Hear about the magic of Scribente Maternum from past retreat participants
Words from our 2022 Write Like a Mother retreat in Baltimore, Maryland
What a wonderful weekend! I felt as if I have been walking on holy ground. Thank you for imagining a space for women who have committed themselves to the work of mothering. So often that work is taken for granted and the women who undertake the awesome task are viewed as having fallen out of favor in the public sector. Here, motherhood was validated and celebrated. I have longed for a space that allows me to bring my whole self.
~Efua; Silver Spring, Maryland
I felt like I found my people, and I knew NO ONE before this weekend.
~Nancy; Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Everything was truly wonderful! The teacher-guided art and writing sessions that covered various topics worked really well. Incorporating movement and meditation was perfect, and having Reiki and someone there to assist with processing potential social-emotional issues that may have come up was a great bonus. I really appreciated the support of local businesses and group instructors.
~Valerie; Silver Spring, Maryland
I appreciated the focus on mindfulness and movement ...the inner focus.
~Dorothy; Takoma Park, Maryland
This entire weekend was better than I could have imagined. Not one time was I thinking about would else I ‘should’ or ‘could’ be doing. That hasn’t happened in far too long.
~Kate; Minneapolis, Minnesota
Words from our 2023 Write Like a Mother retreat in Seaview, Washington
I felt totally revived spiritually, creatively, and socially by Scribente Maternum. Being with a group of other mothers and writers was a new experience for me and allowed me to feel fully myself in a way I haven't before. I feel inspired and confident in the work that I do in a whole new way thanks to those people I met, and the community we built.
~Maggie; Seattle, Washington
Hope you don't mind if I repeat myself: You all did such a stellar job of planning, arranging transportation, feeding us, leading us, herding us around, finding such great presenters, getting us to exercise, and finding such a funky scenic venue right by the beach. OMG. It was wonderful. And I made new friends and laughed a lot. THANK YOU so very much. It was an amazing time. The only thing I can ask for is more, please!
~Eileen; Portland, Oregon
Right from the start, the founders set an atmosphere of welcoming community. Their passion for supporting mothers and creating a space for frank conversation is obvious, with their own expressions of their own journeys of learning and growth. I never once felt like I didn't belong, and their intentionality toward diversity and the deconstruction of colonialist never once felt forced or obligated. It was, in all, a magical--nay, spiritual--and rejuvenating weekend.
~Shay; Portland, Oregon
Hear even more from our 2023 retreat participants, in their own words: