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"There was something so valuable about what happened when one became a mother.
The person that was in me that I liked best was the one my children seemed to want."

Toni Morrison

Writer-moms, founders, and presenters from the first in-person retreat on the steps of The Clifton House in Baltimore, Maryland, home of renowned poet--and mom--Lucille Clifton.


Real Moms*

Real Talk

Real Balance

*Our definitions of "mom" and "maternal" are inclusive and not necessarily linked to gender. The maternal role involves nurturing, the link to Mother Earth, and our everyday role as the parent doing the emotional labor. Our definition of the person in this role includes, among others, trans folx, femme/feminine-identifying genderqueer, non-binary folx, and cisgender women. It also includes those who yearn to be a mother, those who mourn the loss of a child, or those who fill a parental role in nontraditional ways. If you see yourself as a parent in a maternal role, this space is for you.


We further recognize the even greater emotional burden carried by Black mothers, Indigenous mothers, and mothers of color. Our community focuses on the well-being of all mothers as a shared responsibility of the group, rather than the lone task of an individual

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retreats        community       events


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What is Scribente Maternum?

We are a community of writers who identify as mothers. We have our own stories and struggles, but we come together because of our love of writing and our love of our children. This space is for the writing process, not the final product.


Scribente Maternum is a play on "writer mom." But that's where the fanciness ends. This community is down-to-earth and real. The one thing we are serious about is how central motherhood is to our human experience.


Our goal is to embrace the tension that exists between motherhood and writing. Our children are our greatest distraction, but also our greatest inspiration. We are exhausted from being the on-call parent, but we find something new to write about every time we look at them.



We are here to support each other.


We are here to understand each other.


We are here to tap into each other's creative energy to create new, glorious things.

What is a Scribente Maternum Event?

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Scribente Maternum's events are chances to mingle and write with the experts. They include community-building and time for you to explore whatever your heart needs you to write.


Our in-person retreats include workshops with renowned authors and teachers, opportunities for deeper connections in small groups, and a chance to find inspiration and community. Smaller gatherings are a breath of fresh air, just when you need it the most. A time to gather with like souls in the midst of mothering.

In the time between events, our online community keeps right on writing. We give each other the support and inspiration we need, just when we need it.
Most importantly, all our events include time to rest and recharge and breathe. These are experiences that mothers don't make time for but that they so desperately need: meditation, mindfulness, and simply sitting in stillness.

Who is Scribente Maternum?

Mothers, grandmothers, and aunties.


Writers, dreamers, and revolutionaries.


Generations of real mothers, offering support so that the young people in our lives may continue to inspire us to do amazing things.


Mothers with stories to share. Mothers who don't have to walk this road alone.


This is Scribente Maternum.

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Moms mothering solo

Moms mothering together

Moms mothering across generations

Together, we are all Scribente Maternum



Your entire self is welcome here.

Be the first to know about Scribente Maternum's chances to write and all our special events.


plus receive special discounts we only send via email. 

Have questions? 

Drop us an email or slide into our DMs

We can't wait to connect with you.

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